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Checklist Menu

A checklist is essentially a form with questions that can depend on each other. E.g. If an elevator exists in a building, the user needs to answer several questions regarding the current state of the elevator. A workbook contains one or several checklists at the start, and further checklists may be added during the inspection.

If the workbook only contains one checklist, the app will open that checklist directly and, therefore, skip the inspection view.

1TitleShows the inspection title, the workbook name and its version
2New checklistWith the + a new checklist can be added for this inspection.
3Existing checklistHere you can see all checklists that were created for the current inspection until now as well as their current progress. You can finish an inspection, when all checklists have all mandatory questions answered.
4Menu ChecklistsShows the list of existing checklist of the current inspection
5Menu PicturesHere you can take additional images for the inspection. This menu can be enabled or disabled in the workbook setting Allow taking pictures.
6Menu DefectsHere you can see all defects related to the checklists and can navigate to them. Use defect content types to enable this feature.
7Menu PlansHere you can see all the plans of the defects that are relevant for this inspection. Use defect content types to activate this function.

Defects and plans menu​

When using defect content types, their newly created or existing items can be accessed via the Defect and, if plans are available, the Plan menu.

Clicking on a defect navigates the user to the according headline in the checklist.

The fallback content to display on prerendering

The same can be achieved with plans. When you open a plan, you can see all it's related defects on the right side and by selecting them, you will navigate to the item in the checklist.

The fallback content to display on prerendering

Global Pictures​

In the Checklist menu you can find the 'Pictures' option, if enabled. Pictures can be added to the inspection and edited here.

Add pictures​

To import a picture, press the + in the top right area.

You can either import a photo via the camera function, or select one or more existing pictures from the gallery.

If you want to add images from the gallery, you have the option of selecting several images. It looks different for each platform.

Opens the image galery and allows you to pick a single image by tapping it. To select multiple, long press on one image - a checkbox will appear. Then, select the remaining images you like and click "done".


For existing images, you can click on the three-dot button to open the context menu and select one of three possibilities.

  • Clicking "Remove" deletes the image
  • In the "Picture Info", we can decide whether the image appears in the report or not:
  • With "Edit" we can annotate the selected image: